Source code for lb.blocks.misc

# Copyright 2017 The Lambda-blocks developers. See AUTHORS for details.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

Contains miscellaneous blocks.

import itertools

from pprint import pprint
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Tuple

from lb.registry import block
from lb.types import ReturnType
from lb.utils import ReturnEntry, default_function

[docs]@block(engine='all') def show_console(): """Pretty prints in green on the console. :input Any data: The field you want to display. """ def inner(data: Any): print('\033[92m') # green pprint(data) print('\033[0m') return inner
[docs]@block(engine='all') def write_line(filename: str=''): """Writes a string in a file. :param str filename: The file you want to write to. :input str data: The value to write in the file. """ def inner(data: str): with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(data) return inner
[docs]@block(engine='all') def write_lines(filename: str=''): """Writes strings in a file, all on a new line. :param str filename: The file you want to write to. :input List[str] data: The values to write in the file. """ def inner(data: List[str]): with open(filename, 'w') as f: for line in data: line += '\n' f.write(line) return inner
[docs]@block(engine='all') def split(sep: str='\n'): """Splits a string. :param str sep: The separator on which to split. :input str data: The string you want to split. :output List[str] result: The list of splits. """ def inner(data: str) -> ReturnType[List[str]]: return ReturnEntry(result=data.split(sep)) return inner
[docs]@block(engine='all') def concatenate(sep: str='\n'): """Joins a list of strings. :param str sep: What will separate the strings in the result. :input List[Any] data: The list of items you want to join. :output Any result: The joined result. """ def inner(data: List[Any]) -> ReturnType[Any]: return ReturnEntry(result=sep.join(data)) return inner
[docs]@block(engine='all') def map_list(func: Callable[[Any], Any]=default_function(1)): """Applies a function to every element of a list and returns the resulting list. :param Callable func: The function to apply. :input List[Any] data: The input list. :output List[Any] result: The mapped list. """ def inner(data: List[Any]) -> ReturnType[List[Any]]: return ReturnEntry(result=list(map(func, data))) return inner
[docs]@block(engine='all') def flatMap(func: Callable[[Any], List[Any]]=default_function(1, [])): """Applies a map function to every item, and then flattens the result. ``[a,b,c] -> [[x,y],[z],[]] -> [x,y,z]`` :param Callable func: The function to apply. :input List[Any] data: The input list. :output List[Any] result: The mapped list. """ def inner(data: List[Any]) -> ReturnType[List[Any]]: result = [] for item in data: result.extend(func(item)) return ReturnEntry(result=result) return inner
[docs]@block(engine='all') def flatten_list(): """Flattens a list of lists. ``[[a,b],[c,d]] -> [a,b,c,d]`` :input List[List[Any]] data: The list to flatten. :output List[Any] result: The flattened list. """ def inner(data: List[List[Any]]) -> ReturnType[List[Any]]: result = [] for item in data: result.extend(item) return ReturnEntry(result=result) return inner
[docs]@block(engine='all') def group_by_count(): """Groups items in a similar manner as SQL's ``COUNT()…GROUP BY()``. :input List[Any] data: The list to group and count. :output List[Tuple[Any,int]] result: A list of tuples (item, count). """ def inner(data: List[Any]) -> ReturnType[List[Tuple[Any,int]]]: grouped = itertools.groupby(sorted(data)) result = map(lambda x: (x[0], len(list(x[1]))), grouped) return ReturnEntry(result=list(result)) return inner
[docs]@block(engine='unixlike') def sort(key: Callable[[Any], Any]=default_function(1), reverse: bool=False): """Sorts a list. :param Callable key: A function to select the element to sort on, similar to Python's key argument to list.sort. :param bool reverse: Set to true to return the inverted result. :input List[Any] data: The list to sort. :output List[Any] result: The sorted list. """ def inner(data: List[Any]) -> ReturnType[List[Any]]: result = sorted(data, key=key, reverse=reverse) return ReturnEntry(result=result) return inner